18 qualities of the spiritual leader (French Edition)

By ( John Piper, )

God has given leaders to the church to equip the saints for the work of ministry, building them up in the faith and knowledge of God (Eph. 4:12).

But how does the Bible define spiritual leadership? What are the essential characteristics of biblical leadership? And what is its purpose?

In this short essay, John Piper answers these questions by presenting the true qualities of a spiritual leader. This book, both steeped in Scripture and filled with practical illustrations, contains valuable lessons that will challenge not only those who serve as leaders in the church but also those who aspire to exercise spiritual leadership.


John Piper is the founder of Desiring God Ministry. For more than 30 years, he served as pastor of a Baptist church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has now retired and is devoting himself to a broader ministry. He is the author of numerous works, several of which have been translated into French.

Table of Contents


The Inner Circle of Spiritual Leadership

1. Desire that others glorify God

2. Love your friends and enemies by trusting in God and hoping in His promises

3. Meditate and pray His Word

4. Recognize your inadequacy

The Example of Hudson Taylor

The Example of George Muller

The Outer Circle of Spiritual Leadership

1-Always on the move




5-Able to take criticism


7-Likes to think


9-Able to teach

10-A good judge of character


12-Theologically inclined

13-A ​​dreamer

14-Organized and efficient

15-Able to make decisions


17-Loving his woman

18-Able to rest


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Format: 4 1/2 | 54 Pages
ISBN: 9782890825475
Language: French
Cover: Normal
Publication date: 2023
Weight: 3.68
Author: John Piper,