Biblia hebraica stuttgartensia
Today, the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) is the only complete critical edition of the Hebrew Bible, featuring all important textual variants and suggested corrections in footnotes. It succeeds the Biblia Hebraica edited by Rudolf Kittel. Unlike the critical editions of the Greek New Testament, the BHS does not aim to reconstruct the original text of the Hebrew Bible. This would be impossible with the available manuscripts, as the oldest direct textual witnesses are the manuscripts discovered from 1949 onward in the Judean Desert in the Qumran Caves near the Dead Sea. Apart from a single, fully preserved transcription of the Book of Isaiah, the biblical texts from Qumran consist solely of fragments, often containing only a few consecutive words and sometimes only isolated letters.
45.00 DT -
الأسفار القانوية الثانية
الغلاف بأربعة أوراق ملونة ويحتوي على الكتب التالية: “طوبيا، تتمة أستير، الحكمة، يشوع بن سيراخ، باروخ، تتمة دانيال، المكابيين الأول والمكابيين الثاني.
كل هذه الأسفار، إلى جانب كل أسفار العهد القديم، كانت تشكل ترجمة للترجمة السبعينية، وتم تجميع هذه الترجمة حوالي 200-100 قبل ميلاد المسيح.
11.80 DT -
The Bible in Arabic Hebrew
The complete Bible in both Testaments in Hebrew and Arabic, with two columns for each language - Hardcover - Parallel columns - Section headings.
45.00 DT -
ESV Youth Bible
The ESV Youth Bible is designed to engage young readers with the message of Scripture while making it accessible and relevant to their lives.45.00 DT