Holy Bible New Testament Tunisian edition

By () Maison de la Bible, Tunisie

The Bible is the vessel that preserves God’s thought, reveals Himself, interprets His works, and proves His goodness. It is not just a book to be read, stories to be told, or sayings to be repeated, but rather a constitution whose foundation is love and whose law is walking the path of holiness. It contains the good news of salvation that has been transmitted by nations in all languages ​​and throughout the ages.

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It also contains a promise of the coming of the kingdom and a voice that resounds with the truth that refuses to be silent despite what the ages have witnessed of attempts to destroy it, cast doubt on it, and demean and persecute its bearers. But it is the light that darkness cannot comprehend, the bread that satisfies the soul despite the brokenness of the body, and the thought that gives the mind its peace despite the differences in cultures and the conflict of ideas and philosophies. There is no great thinker who has not been inspired by the Bible with the deepest contemplations.

Format: Paperback | 293 Pages
Edition: Maison de la Bible, Tunisie
ISBN: 9789938969429
Language: Arabic
Cover: Normal
Publication date: 2023
Weight: 0.9

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