Is Hell Real?

Par ( Dane Ortlund, ) Edition 9Mark

Dane Ortlund Explains That Hell Is Indeed Real, but Hope Comes through Jesus Christ

When individuals talk about an afterlife, they often talk about heaven and avoid any mention of hell. The idea of hell is uncomfortable and most people prefer to not discuss it. Given this reality, our society lacks an understanding of what hell is, why it exists, and how people can avoid it.

Pastor Dane Ortlund has written this Church Questions booklet to educate readers on the reality of hell and the hope found in Jesus Christ. Using a variety of biblical passages, Ortlund explains that God is just, righteous, and deals perfectly with humanity. In light of God’s holiness and our sin, we fall woefully short of heaven. Humanity deserves hell, but heaven is offered to believers through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Written by Dane Ortlund: Author of Gentle and Lowly (500,000+ copies sold)

Useful for Seekers: Accessible for those new to faith or looking to learn more

Part of the Church Questions Series: Developed to give biblical insight into common questions

15.00 DT

Format: Livre de Poche | 64 Pages
Taille: POCKET
Edition: Edition 9Mark
ISBN: 9781433578632
Langue: Anglais
Couverture: Normal
Date do publication: 2022
Poids: 0.06
Auteur: Dane Ortlund,

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