Why Should I Join a Church?

Par ( Mark Dever, ) Edition 9Mark

“I eagerly commend this series.”

―R. Albert Mohler Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Discover the importance of local church membership.

Many of us have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church. You may even catch yourself asking, If I believe in Jesus, why do I need to join a church? To put it simply, when you are saved from your sin, you are saved into a community characterized by fellowship and accountability. Best-selling author Mark Dever presents 7 biblical reasons why church membership is essential for displaying the gospel in your life.

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Format: Livre de Poche | 64 Pages
Taille: POCKET
Edition: Edition 9Mark
ISBN: 9781433568152
Langue: Anglais
Couverture: Normal
Date do publication: 2020
Poids: 0.06
Auteur: Mark Dever,

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