The Passion Tree

Par ( Jack E. Dawson, ) Bittersweet

The PASSION TREE follows the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Each ornament illustrates an event in history. The red garland represents the crimson thread of Jesus Christ woven through the entire Bible. Jesus IS from eternity (before creation) to eternity (after the end of all things), and this garland weaves through all history, telling His Story. The first twelve ornaments, starting at the lower left, show events in the Old Testament and the last twelve illustrate events in the New Testament, with a star representing the glory of God crowning the tree. The red ornaments at the center form a cross, the three largest representing the Trinity: God the Father who gave His gift, God the Son who came to earth and God the Spirit who lives within believers today. There are 33 candles, one for each of the years that Christ spent on earth in the form of a man.

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Jesus is the Light. (John 1:6-13, 12:44-46) You can see a suggestion of Him in each flame. Under the tree you can see some people carrying the light to others who are walking in darkness. Those of us who have the Light must be sharing it with others all over the world. The snow-covered landscape suggests a map of the entire globe. We are the light and we must let our light shine so that many may come to saving faith in God through Christ Jesus. (Matthew 5:14-16)

Format: Livre Illustré | 6 Pages
Edition: Bittersweet
ISBN: 185143007533
Langue: Anglais
Couverture: Normal
Date do publication: 2004
Poids: 0.1
Auteur: Jack E. Dawson,

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